Thank You's for 2014 Honorary Member Award
Millie Turner
To all NACS members,
With heartfelt gratitude and humility I thank NACS for presenting me with an Honorary Member Award at the NACS convention in Chicago, July 2, 2014.
I became a member of NACS from the first day I became a County Supervisor in 1986 when the agency was known as Farmers Home Administration and the association was the National Association of County Supervisors.
I always believed in the mission of NACS and was proud to serve the membership and to represent their concerns over the course of the years in many different association positions (committee member/chairperson, Zone Rep, Officer or Past President). I’ve seen many changes and was on the board during the USDA organization, transfer of function and the development of the National Association of Credit Specialists-FSA.
I have retired from my position with Farm Service Agency, yet I am still serving farmers in the capacity as an Agricultural lender at a local bank.
I thank God, every day, for the opportunity to have been able to serve all the membership, which ultimately serves the American farmer.
If I made a positive difference in anyone’s life, then my mission was complete.
Thanks again to all of you! I will be thinking of you and I am certain, with the wonderful, lifetime NACS friendships I developed over the years, I will be attending Zone meetings and National conventions, in the future.
God Speed!
Millie Turner
With heartfelt gratitude and humility I thank NACS for presenting me with an Honorary Member Award at the NACS convention in Chicago, July 2, 2014.
I became a member of NACS from the first day I became a County Supervisor in 1986 when the agency was known as Farmers Home Administration and the association was the National Association of County Supervisors.
I always believed in the mission of NACS and was proud to serve the membership and to represent their concerns over the course of the years in many different association positions (committee member/chairperson, Zone Rep, Officer or Past President). I’ve seen many changes and was on the board during the USDA organization, transfer of function and the development of the National Association of Credit Specialists-FSA.
I have retired from my position with Farm Service Agency, yet I am still serving farmers in the capacity as an Agricultural lender at a local bank.
I thank God, every day, for the opportunity to have been able to serve all the membership, which ultimately serves the American farmer.
If I made a positive difference in anyone’s life, then my mission was complete.
Thanks again to all of you! I will be thinking of you and I am certain, with the wonderful, lifetime NACS friendships I developed over the years, I will be attending Zone meetings and National conventions, in the future.
God Speed!
Millie Turner
Mark Drewitz
I am truly humbled and thankful for the Honorary Membership award presented at this year's convention. Each of us takes different paths in our Association membership and contributions. My path was aided by various members who convinced, encouraged or set an example for me to follow. I can honestly say NACS has given me more than I feel I have given and am grateful for the opportunities to serve.
I encourage all members/potential members to consider what positive roles they can serve our customers, our Agency and our Association.
Thanks again!
Mark Drewitz
I am truly humbled and thankful for the Honorary Membership award presented at this year's convention. Each of us takes different paths in our Association membership and contributions. My path was aided by various members who convinced, encouraged or set an example for me to follow. I can honestly say NACS has given me more than I feel I have given and am grateful for the opportunities to serve.
I encourage all members/potential members to consider what positive roles they can serve our customers, our Agency and our Association.
Thanks again!
Mark Drewitz